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Swix HS10 Wax - Yellow, 0°C/+10°C

Glide wax for racing and fast training sessions. HS10 is recommended from zero to +10 degrees.
  • A favorite for Nordic skiing disciplines
  • Good water-repellent properties
  • For training and racing
  • Available in both 60g and 180g
Product Information

HS10 is a glide wax that is ideal in warm conditions such as those that are often encountered at the end of the season.

High Speed (HS) is specially developed for younger racers and the ambitious leisure skier. All glide waxes in this series have high performance and good durability. This makes them an affordable option for both competition and training.

HS10 is a good wax for base preparation, but also a great training and racing wax. The wax is easy to melt and very easy to work with. HS10 is a relatively soft wax and will not have the same durability as a harder glide wax. Therefore, we recommend for racing and longer walks, melting in a harder wax as a base and then applying HS10 on top.

How to apply HS10: The speed of the waxing iron should be approx. 8-10 seconds for a skating or alpine ski. The wax can be reheated after cooling to room temperature (10 min.) for better durability. It is important to have a good waxing iron in order to melt the wax efficiently. Recommended waxing iron temperature 150°C.

HS10 is available as both wax and liquid products.


  • For warm conditions
  • For training and racing
  • Improves ski glide
  • Easy to work with
  • Fluoro-free and 100% biodegradable
  • Thoroughly tested in different conditions

Swix HS10 Wax - Yellow, 0°C/+10°C




Drizzle. Wind. Sweat. Mud. SWIX is for everyone who loves trainingoutdoors, in all conditions. Since 1946, SWIX has been testingand developing products for Nordic conditions, and knows what ittakes to be the best – and to look good doing it. We call this SWIXFACTOR. - INSPIRED BY DREAMS